This website and its content, together with the Kia Orana logo are copyright
© John Roberts 2025
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: All reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the information on If you are aware of any errors, please contact the author who will ensure a timely correction is made. Where photographs have been used, other than the author's own or those in the public domain, copyright owners have been asked for permission and given it or reasonable efforts have been made to get that permission. Copyright of photographs used with permission remains that of the person granting the permission. If copyright has been breached inadvertently, please contact the author who will ensure any pictures are removed if that is the owner's wish or the source is properly acknowledged. As a similar courtesy, if you want to republish any of the pictures or video on this site or reuse any of the editorial in any form, electronic or otherwise, please email the author for permission.
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Meitaki maata (thank you very much)